Instagram We have made amazing laser cut spray paint templates for our qBot MINImill cardboard boxes #qbot #minimill #lasercut #pcbmilling #pcbmill #instatech #instamachinist #haltdiefräse #cncmilling #cncmachining #cnc #grbl Posted on 20. January 201820. January 2018 by Thomas Schiefermair 20 Jan Thomas Schiefermair Sped-up video of the qBot MINImill making a PCB #minimill #qbot #minimilled #cncmilling #pcbmilling #pcbmill #cncmachining #grbl #instatech #instamachinist #techie #technology #futuretechnology #coolstuff #haltdiefräse One customer milled a beautiful wallet on one of our MINImill's – thanks for the submission #nobitcoinwallet #realmoney #qbot #minimill #manufacturing #wood #cnc #grbl #cncmilling #cnc #realmaterials #stl #3dmilling #software #startup