Instagram Thanks for the submission of this awesome operational amplifier board – milled on a qBot MINImill #minimilled #MINImill #makersgonnamake #qbot #pcbmilling #printedcircuitboards #breakoutboard #pcbmill #pcb #diycnc #diy #hack #austria #gadget #geek #makersmovement #maker #grbl #instalab #instatech Posted on 7. October 201714. October 2017 by Thomas Schiefermair 07 Oct Thomas Schiefermair The qBot MINImill has been on the Mini Maker Faire Steyr #minimilled #MINImill #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #makerfaire #pcbmilling #pcbmill #technology #techie #maker #printedcircuitboards #awesometechnology #instalab #instatech #ShortFilm #startup #qbot #diycnc #diy #thanks A lab on a chip system with 100um channel width – milled on a qBot MINImill #MINImill #microfluidics #labonachip #labonchip #microfluidicslab #micromilling #startup #biologylab #grbl #qbot #moleculardiagnostics #scienceforall #biomedicalengineer #cnc #cncmilling #researchlab #biotechnology #education #research