Author Archiv: Thomas Schiefermair

We have made an amazing PCB milling tutorial for our qBot MINImill – mill your PCBs directly out of Gerber filesWir haben ein Platinenfräs-Tutorial für unsere qBot MINImill Software erstellt – Platinen direkt aus Gerber Dateien frä #tutorial #pcb #cnc #grbl #pcbmill #platinenfräse #platinenfrästutorial #singlesidedpcb #technology

Cutting Voltera PCB templates on our laser cutter – we are currently working on extending the capabilities of our MINImill. Print your file on a Voltera PCB printer or etch your own PCBs and automatically finish them on our qBot MINImill #minimilled #qbot #cnc #grbl #volteraio #volteravone #pcbmilling #pcbmill #printedcircuitboards #printingthefuture #prototyping #3dprint #software #diycnc #instatech #geek #electronics #education #video #workinprogresss #lasercut #lasercutting